intimates. This series was painted in the last week of April 2020. It is based on the poem by the Chinese Sekito Kisén (s.VIII) entitled Sandokai (pronounced in Japanese). Some translations of the title are: Harmony between difference and equality, Identity between absolute and relative, Ode to identity...
The illustrations: Title: Intimates, Prologue: Square Head, Chapter I: Intimacy, Chapter II: So much..., Chapter III: Perception, Chapter IV: Door, Chapter V: Difference, Chapter VI: Concepts, Chapter VII: Elements, Epilogue: Tree.
The color white I call non-color. I don't paint it in the prints, and it is the most special for me.
I use, in almost all the illustrations, the black color to express the relative, the transitory, the form, and the golden color, to express what we call absolute, permanent, background. And white is the void from which all consciousness arises. I call it emptiness as I could call it fullness. Since it
is not possible to
name it without saying nonsense, I use "no-color" to approximate it.
Sandokai is the title (in Japanese) of a poem by the Chinese
Sekito Kisén. San refers to the relative; Do, which we call absolute, and Kai,
which brings them together intimately. The translations of the title are diverse
and such variety guides me to understand what the poem is talking about: the
harmony between what is the same and what is different, the identity between
the absolute and the relative. He speaks of the profound "intimacy"
between form and substance, part and whole, multiplicity and unity. That is why
I have titled these illustrations "Intims".